Listening to My Body: A New Approach to My Detox Journey

You know that moment when you’re so determined to make a change, but your body has other plans? Yeah, that’s been me with this tea and juice detox. I’ve tried, really tried, to push through, but by Day 3 or 4, I always end up caving in. Not because I lack willpower—but because the pain is unbearable.

By Day 2, the headaches hit. Not just your average, “Oh, I need some water” type of headache. I’m talking about severe, throbbing migraines that last for days, no matter how much water I drink or how much I try to stay on track. It’s like my body is waving a red flag, screaming: Something isn’t right!

At first, I thought maybe it was dehydration, but I was drinking plenty of water. Then I realized… this might be caffeine withdrawal. And let me tell you, the withdrawals are brutal. The kind that makes you question every decision you’ve ever made in life. But here’s the thing—I refuse to give up on my health. I want to feel good. I want to live a long, fulfilling, pain-free life. A life where I’m not constantly battling migraines, body aches, and feeling exhausted. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. And if that means I have to find a new approach, then that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

A New Game Plan: Slower, Smarter, and More Intentional

After hours of research (yes, I deep-dived into the internet like it was a full-time job), I realized I need to detox differently. Instead of shocking my system with an abrupt change, I’m going to ease into it—step by step.

Step 1: A Holistic Approach to My Dental Health

One major thing that’s been on my mind? My teeth. Back in 2021, I had two teeth pulled at an emergency dental visit, and ever since then, I’ve noticed a shift in my facial symmetry and random jaw pain. The headaches I feel now remind me of the ones I had before I got those teeth pulled. That got me thinking… what if there’s an underlying infection in my gums that’s making the detox symptoms worse?

I’ve already scheduled an appointment with a holistic dentist to get to the root of the problem. In the meantime, I’ll start oil pulling (swishing organic oil in my mouth to pull out toxins), switching to an all-natural toothpaste, and completely cutting out soda, caffeine, and processed sugars. If my body is already overwhelmed trying to detox, I don’t want to add any extra stress on it with things that only make inflammation worse.

Step 2: Small, Sustainable Changes Instead of Drastic Cuts

Instead of going cold turkey and diving straight into an all-liquid detox, I’ll take it one step at a time. Each week, I’ll remove one unhealthy habit and replace it with a healthier one. That way, my body has time to adjust without going into complete shock.

I’ll still incorporate detox teas and juicing, but gradually—not all at once. Maybe I’ll start with just one detox tea per day, then ease into juicing a few times a week before going full liquid cleanse.

Step 3: Understanding My Migraines & Sinus Pain

Last night, I had one of those aha moments. The pain that led to my migraine started deep in my sinuses and upper jaw area—which had me thinking, is this really just caffeine withdrawal, or is something else going on?

I decided to try a natural remedy and put castor oil drops in my nose before bed. And guess what? The pain stopped. That told me that my migraines might not be just detox-related but also tied to sinus pressure and inflammation. Between the caffeine withdrawals and my body trying to fight something internally, it was just too much at once.

Starting Over—But Smarter This Time

It’s Monday morning, and I’m back at it. But this time, with a new strategy. A more mindful, intentional, and patient approach to detoxing. I’m listening to my body, making adjustments, and refusing to let setbacks define my journey. Because as long as I’m not giving up, I’m still making progress.

So here’s to starting over—but this time, doing it the right way for me. 💛

Have you ever tried detoxing and struggled with unexpected side effects? Let’s talk about it in the comments! I’d love to hear your experiences and what worked for you. ✨

2 thoughts on “Listening to My Body: A New Approach to My Detox Journey”

  1. I think that I’ll start doing a detoxification program I used to do fasting but the detox part really never done it i,f it helps with arthritis I’m on board with it!

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